
Offsprout New Feature: Template Themes

June 17th


Offsprout is the only WordPress website builder for freelancers and agencies.

We’ve got some more new features to share…

As you may have noticed, at Offsprout we’ve been making some major updates lately.

One of the biggest feature request from Offsprout users has been “More templates!”

We listened, and we’re delivering.

Not only that, we’re going to be delivering big. This announcement is the just latest of a series of template updates to come.

Because we’re not just giving you templates for pages. We’re giving you templates for entire websites. 

This means that you can have one cohesive design for all your webpages thanks to this new feature, which we’re calling Template Themes.

Template Themes in Offsprout

With the launch of Template Themes, we have two complete site templates for you, including tons of page styles that all conform to the site’s overall theme and aesthetic.

In Offsprout, you can now select a Template Theme.

Once you do, you will be able to add new pages that fall under that template theme.

And, if for any reason you want to switch themes, you can do it! And, all your pages will change themes as well.

With the creation of Template Themes for Offsprout, you can expect many more templates coming soon, in addition to the Template Themes we’re announcing today.

Offsprout template theme pages

For the launch of Template Themes, we have two site templates to share: Basic and Standard.

Standard was designed with businesses in mind.

It looks great for businesses, whether you are a SaaS, agency, ecommerce, service, or retail business.

Offsprout Standard Template Theme

The Basic Template Theme takes on a more minimalist aesthetic. It has a subtle elegance to it.

The Basic Template works well for a variety of types of businesses, personal sites, and portfolios.

Offsprout basic template theme

Give Template Themes a spin!

You can use Template Themes with Offsprout, so try out Offsprout with a 14-Day Free Trial.


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About Offsprout

Offsprout was founded by two former college freshman roommates. Drawing from their experience building their web design business, JurisPage, which was acquired in 2016, Offsprout is singularly focused on being the best white label website building tool for web design businesses.

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