
All the Features You’ll Need to Build Any Client Website

Build Entire Websites in Minutes

Select page templates, input your client’s logo and business information and watch their site come to life in minutes!

All the Tools You’ll Ever Need

Help your clients stand out from the competition with a full set of design modules.

ModulesExplore 35+ versatile modules to build the design you need for any project
Section BackgroundsUse colors, images, gradients, video, and more for your section background
Row Divider ShapesLeverage waves, curves, and more to flow content from one section to the next
Secondary BackgroundsAdd creative depth and dimension to your modules with offset secondary backgrounds
DecoratorsInject flair into your designs with cleverly positioned decorator icons and text

Make It Easy for Your Clients

Give your clients control over their website while limiting their access, avoiding costly mistakes.

Your Best Workflow Yet

We’re obsessed with helping you can build websites even faster.

Keyboard ShortcutsEasy access to whatever you need for a streamlined workflow
Easy ColumnsCreate columns on the fly with simple drag and drop
Undo/RedoSmart undo/redo means you don’t have to be afraid to make mistakes
Responsive DesignAutomatically generated responsive designs with the ability to tweak

Offsprout is insanely quick and responsive! I didn't think it was possible... I'm just not sure what I'm going to do with all the extra time I'll have on my hands.

Ruben Kalath

Offsprout brings Wix-style editing to WordPress.

Micah Wood

Offsprout is just plain awesome. Clean, easy, nice.

Jessica Donakowski


Rating: 5/5

Choose your template. Save it for later.

Choose from over 140 page and row templates, set up global templates, save templates to a template library, and do it all in real time.

40+ Page TemplatesHomepages, landing pages, contact pages, and more
100+ Row TemplatesTons of section templates including hero, call-to-actions, features, and more
Centralized Template SitesCreate a centralized template library that all client sites can access
Global TemplatesSet up reusable sections that you can leverage anywhere in your site
Live Template RendersSee your templates as they’ll appear with your colors and fonts

Power You Won’t Find Anywhere Else

Centralize your color schemes, build your entire site, and cleverly link content to your site’s data.

Centralized Color Schemes
Site-Wide Structures
Data Connector
Skin Designer

Start Your 14-Day Trial

All Features. Easy to Setup. Cancel Anytime.

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About Offsprout

Offsprout was founded by two former college freshman roommates. Drawing from their experience building their web design business, JurisPage, which was acquired in 2016, Offsprout is singularly focused on being the best white label website building tool for web design businesses.

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