Offsprout New Feature: Layers
June 10th
Offsprout is the only WordPress website builder for freelancers and agencies.
Version 2.13 of Offsprout is out.
What does that mean for you?
Some brand-spankin’-new features to help you more quickly and effortlessly build stunning websites for your clients.
The Offsprout white-label website builder is already the best page builder for any web designer looking to build amazing-looking custom websites. It lets you build websites in a fraction of the time they would normally take to build with WordPress or any other platform.
With the release of version 2.13, there are a ton of exciting new features to share.
Today, I wanted to highlight one feature in particular that is going to knock your socks off and change the way you build client websites for the better.
This feature is Offsprout Layers.
Offsprout’s new Layers feature opens up a ton of new design possibilities.
One criticism we’ve had of some of the page building tools out there is how limiting they’ve been for designers. The ability to have a drag-and-drop tool to build webpages is great, but it’s often come at the cost of design flexibility.
Offsprout has always sought to defy those expectations, by providing the most flexible website builder, created specifically with web design agencies in mind.
Web design agencies have very discerning tastes and needs. They need to be able to produce beautiful websites, but also be able to produce them quickly and cost-effectively for their clients.
With the Offsprout page builder, there’s no sacrificing design aesthetic for convenience.
And with Offsprout Layers, your website designs are taken to the next level.
With Layers, you are no longer constrained to design your websites, with elements positioned wherever you want them in space.
With Layers, your webpage design morphs into a three-dimensional canvas, with content, images, buttons, illustrations, text, and video, all layered beautifully on top of or below each other.

Layers adds another dimension to your website designs, making them pop!
With Offsprout’s layer features, it’s like you’re in Doc Brown’s DeLorean, traveling through space and time.
Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Layers frees you from any design constraints.
You can group items together in layers, like having text and an icon grouped together into a layer.
You can use patterns and repeat images.

With Offsprout Layers, your website designs are only limited by your imagination.
Check out Offsprout Layers now.
If you haven’t signed up yet, get your free 14-day trial here.
If you are already an Offsprout customer, update your Offsprout to Version 2.13.
Free 14-day trial. Easy setup. Cancel any time.
get everything for only $9/month
About Offsprout
Offsprout was founded by two former college freshman roommates. Drawing from their experience building their web design business, JurisPage, which was acquired in 2016, Offsprout is singularly focused on being the best white label website building tool for web design businesses.